Monday, December 28, 2009

Thanks everyone!

Christmas has been great! Thanks to all for your overwhelming support and all the compliments about how much you enjoyed the juicy turkeys and ham!! We have sold out ALL our Christmas Stuffed Turkeys and Cinnamon Honey Baked Ham this year and even had to turn down some of you!

We would like to thank God for supporting us through this hectic period and for friends and family who helped us in one way or another! Thanks people and have a Blessed Holidays ahead!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Meaning of Christmas

The Birth of Jesus Foretold
The angel went to Mary and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you. Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end."
"How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"
The angel answered, "the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. For nothing is impossible with God."
The Birth of Jesus
When Joseph and Mary got to Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay because the inn was already full. They ended up spending the night in a stable, a place where animals were kept. That night, Jesus was born. There was no crib, so they laid baby Jesus in a manger, a feeding trough for animals.
Wise Men Visit Jesus
The wise men from eastern countries saw a star in the sky that signaled the birth of a new king. They came to Judea, the region around Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to worship Jesus, the new King. The wise men continued on to Bethlehem and followed the star until it was directly above the house where Jesus was. They found Mary and Jesus in the house and knelt down to worship Him. They bought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, some of the finest things in the ancient world. Frankincense was burned to make a sweet smell, and myrrh was an expensive perfume.

The Gift of Life
Christ came into the world on Christmas to save sinners by His death upon the Cross. This is according to the purpose and plan of God. So that the way be opened for all mankind to obtain a right relationship with God and ultimately...the gift of eternal life.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Menu! With 2 Festive Ciders

hey friends,
we will be launching our Christmas menu starting next weekend (11 Dec)

Christmas Dinner for 2:

Smoked Salmon Cream Cheese Tapas with Caviar and Cranberry

1/4 Stuffed Christmas Turkey (made by our chef)

Poached Potatoes

Christmas Salad (cranberry, honey coated walnuts, garden greens)

with 2 bottle of Festive Ciders (Strawberry & mixed Pear Cider, Toffee Apple Cider, Lemon & mixed Pear Cider)

Homemade Tiramisu with Baileys

*only by reservation 3 days in advance
call 98215591 for reservations

Total Feast Price: $75 nett (inclusive of 2 festive beers!)

Christmas Turkeys!

Christmas Turkeys made by our very own chef (Joel) at cafe patio is up for orders! Do make your reservations early as our slots for Christmas eve and day are filling fast.
We will only be able to make limited quantities due to limited manpower and capacity.
Contact us at 98215591 to make your order today!
This turkey has been seasoned with wild herbs and water baked to golden brown.
You will get to enjoy mushroom stuffing which bursts out with awesome flavours.
The BEST, the JUICIEST Turkey baked with passion!
$80 for 4.5kg Turkey
*each turkey comes with our very own homemade apple sauce, turkey sauce all packed in a decorated festive basket =)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Premium Range Beer!

Duchy Originals Organic Ale has received raving reviews at our cafe and also it has been the strong market leader of organic bottled ale in the UK.
We believe that its 'sister' beer Duchy Originals Select Ale that we will be bringing it in this week would be a real popular hit at our cafe!Duchy Originals Organic Select Ale, a dark full-bodied organic beer, has won the title of World's Best Standard Pale Ale in 2008 among the 1000 over contesting beers in the UK!! The 6.2% strength beer wowed the panel of professional beer judges. The recipe includes the same organic Plumage Archer barley malt as Duchy Originals Ale, but with the organic rye and oats added, from organic farms, to give complexity and a fascinating range of flavours. Overall, the combination of these organic ingredients has given the Duchy Select a dark ruby colour and warming toffee flavour with hints of fruit and spices.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Special Notice

To all our valued customers:
For this week only, we have extended our opening hours and will be open from 9am till 12midnight on Saturday
and 9am till 2pm on Sunday as we will be at Suntec City attending the Centenary Thanksgiving and Dedication Service together with our church members :)
Business is as per normal (11am to 11pm) for this Friday's public holiday!
We look forward to seeing you!
Joel and Elizabeth

Friday, November 13, 2009

Frosty Mocha

Frosty Mocha
Double Shot Espresso with Dark Chocolate Sauce and Mint to give you the perfect Christmas Coffee! :) The festive look and taste is completed with candy cane and a sprinkle of Christmas colours over a rich layer of cream!

A seasonal coffee so get it this season or you might need to wait for next Christmas!

New Additions to our menu THIS WEEKEND!

Starting from today we've expanded our menu!

More varieties for breakfast!
  • Club Sandwich
  • Chicken Sandwich
  • Italian Big Breakfast
  • Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs Sandwich
  • Pancakes with Banana & Caramel
  • Pancakes with Dark Chocolate & Strawberry
  • Pancakes with Honey & Butter

We have added more mains for you too! For those who crave for more meat in our menu.. you'll have it!

Try our very own:

  • Grilled Salmon Steak
  • Bbq Baby Back Ribs

Seasonal Menu are available too:

  • Candy Cane Soda! (taste just like the Christmas candy cane!)
  • Frosty Mocha (dark chocolate coffee with frosty mint and topped with a sprinkle of Christmas colours over a rich layer of whipped cream)

Come by this weekend for the exciting new stuff!! :) See you soon!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Candy Cane Soda!

Seasonal Soda just for the Christmas season! :) :)

It's our very own 'Candy Cane Soda'!
Taste Christmas with our candy cane soda!
A surprising taste of mint with every sip. Perfect for the season!
Finished up with a splash of Christmas colour sprinkled over a rich layer of cream

*yepps it comes with a candy cane with each soda!

try it today!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Christmas Packages

It's Christmas soon! Treat yourselves to an awesome and flavourful Christmas Feast!
We have started serving out these delicious dishes.

They have been baked till perfection and bound to impress your family, friends and guests at the dinner table :) They're wonderfully decorated and placed in a basket for you to bring them all home to your loved ones :) :)

Place your orders today to prevent any disappointment as we only have a limited quantity!

Contact us at 98215591 or email us at

Stuffed Baked Christmas TurkeyChristmas Turkeys are a must have for a complete Christmas feast!
Treat yourself to only the best, the juiciest and food made with passion!

This turkey has been seasoned with wild herbs and water baked to ensure that you enjoy the juiciest Christmas Turkey! You will also get to enjoy the mushroom stuffing which bursts with the awesome flavours of the turkey. Each package comes with our homemade apple sauce and the turkey sauce :)

4.5kg turkey - $80 nett

Cinnamon Honey Baked Ham This whole ham is seasoned with a lush amount of herbs, honey and spices :)

Treat your palates to something delectable! The aromo and taste of this ham is simply a feast to all your senses :) :)

This package comes with our every own homemade apple sauce and has been beautifully packed in a basket for you to take home!
2kg Cinnamon Honey Baked Ham - $80

Homemade Apple Sauce
Sweet and slightly sour apple sauce made just for you to share with your loved ones over our Christmas Turkey and our Cinnamon Honey Baked Ham

*comes with every Christmas Turkey and Cinnamon Honey Baked Ham Festive Package!

**Thinking of throwing a party at our cafe with this delectable dishes? Let us know in advance too! We have a range of Festive beers to complement these Festive feast too :) Have the Brothers Straweberry & Pear Cider, Toffee Apple Cider or Lemon & Pear Cider!

get one of these Festive Beers (500ml) at only $10!

Christmas dishes and drinks just for you!

Look out for the updates on our Christmas Specials!!

Frosted Mint Iced Mocha (with whipped cream!)
Christmas soda!
Turkey Sandwiches
Bbq honey baked ribs

Photos will be up soon! Stay tuned!

Monday, November 9, 2009

our mr happy face calamari :)
some wychwood posters for you :)
stay tuned to our Christmas parties and festive food menu!
will update soon! we promise!
can't wait? come down to visit us and we'll tell you what we've planned for you

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Duchy Orignals Organic Ale

does this logo and brand look familiar? :) yepp u're correct! you can find the Duchy Originals Boutique shop at Paragon B1! But unfortunately (luckily), they do not sell the Duchy's beer over there.. you can get it at cafe patio
Duchy Originals Organic Ale a premium beer brewed in the traditional way, using a blend of the finest aroma hops and malt made from Plumage Archer barley harvested from selected organic farms in Britain. it has a ruby colour and is rich in body with a balanced bitter flavour. 5% in alcohol

p.s. its company donates its profit to the Prince of Wale's (Prince's Charles) Charitable Foundation :)
support this beer and do your part for charity
hehs the more you drink.. the more charitable you will be :p

Promotion Price: $12 (usually $14)

Friday, November 6, 2009


yeps new beers have arrived at cafe patio once again! :)
some beers are limited in quantity and seasonal.. so you dont want to miss out on them
are you a wychwood fan? remember the all-time popular hobgoblin and circlemaster? this 'wychcraft' beer is from the same series! :) it's a blonde beer
wychcraft blonde beer
described as a pale golden portion with red hues and a heady burst of fresh citrus aroma. it's created from the infusion of 3 Styrian golding hops. it finishes up perfect - a gentle warming malt flavour together with a dry biscuit note and a light tinge of bitterness :)
*p.s. if you're a erdinger or hoegaarden fan, you would love this! a much nicer aftertaste!

love the taste of toffee apple?

try the brothers TOFFEE APPLE cider!

yeps we're not kidding it's toffee apple cider! it's a festive seasonal beer we'll be having for this period only! 4% alcohol content :) carries a smell of smouldering toffee, cinnamon, cloves and cream soda

more fruity beers for you?

thinking something along the lines of pear?

and also freshly squeezed lemon?

get your hands on the Brothers Lemon and Mixed pear Cider

the sharpness of lemon perfectly complements the light dry Pear Cider to produce an irresistibly refreshing drink

p.s. all the bottles of these two breweries are worth collecting! Be a fan and collect all
3 of the brothers range of ciders and all 4 of the Wychwood beers!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Christmas is round the corner!
We will be coming up with a Christmas menu just for you!

Send us your email addresses so that we can send you any latest updates on our Christmas menu.

Look out for our festive packs of turkeys, whole honey baked ham, christmas cookies and festive beers! :)

Find small gifts for your loved ones at our affliate website (

Thinking of throwing a Christmas party at our cosy cafe? Let us know at :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

New UK cider beers at cafe patio!

The long awaited CIDER BEERS have arrived!!!
They are latest beers in town! Be one of the first in Singapore to try them :)
Strawberry and mixed pear cider!
apart from the super attractive looking bottle, this cider beer is really quite a hit! it's the no. 1 top seller of the Brothers brewery in UK! *just pop the bottle and smell the freshness of the strawberry and taste it to savour the sweetness of the pear :) a perfect hit among the ladies and even the guys! 4% in alcohol content! it's such a refreshing drink for a hot day in singapore!

Green Goblin (on the left); Strawberry and mixed pear cider (on the right)
yesh for those who recognise it, the Green Goblin is from the same brewery as the Hobgoblin and Circlemaster! we really admire the marketing guys from Wychwood! they packaged their beers in such awesome looking bottles of with images of goblins, scarecrows and elves! absolute coolness! and of course their beers are even more awesome tasting! this cider is made from 100% freshly squeezed English apples aged in 100 years old oak vats. it's 6% in alcoholic content (one of the strongest beers i ever liked!)

BROTHERS (our newest beer in our cafe)

dont worry, our all time favourites the Hobgoblin and Circlemaster are still available :)

All these UK beers are 500ml and are going at a promotional price of just $10! :)
(get it while stocks last! they have been a hit over the past weekend!)

Friday, October 16, 2009

desserts this week!

Blueberry muffins with cinnamon streusel

don't miss out on them! =) while stocks last!
there's chocolate tarts =) and yesh they really taste good! =) =)
and dont worry.. you will still get our all-time favourite tiramisu! =)


BISCUITS! Doggie biscuits for our furry frens =)

Gingersnaps! (made of honey and molasses)
smells really yummy! *i was even tempted by them! =)

Monday, October 12, 2009

thanks everyone!

this weekend the nonya curry chicken was a sellout! thanks everyone!! :)

*oops forgot to take photo of our really yummy curry chicken =/

our biz timing will resume as per normal this week! =) see you around!

Friday, October 9, 2009

This weekend!

Latest Updates for this week only :)
For this week (10 Oct to 11 Oct)
we will be open from 9am to 8pm on both Saturday and Sunday
*call us at 67696001 for any reservations :)
See you people!
Sorry for any inconvenience caused

Special Menu For this Weekend!

We have a special menu just for this weekend! (9 Oct - 12 Oct)

Look out for Nonya Chicken Curry with Prata/Bread/Rice :)
We've pair them up with a drink and made them a set just for you all day this weekend!
Our favourite hit the chicken sandwich will also be available as a set all day for this weekend!

Our finger food will still stay almost the same except for additions such as Cheese Crisp-cut Fries and Cheese Nanchos!

Don't miss out your chance to try out our imported British beer (Hobgoblin and Circlemaster) at our current promotion price of $10! (usually $12) They have been a real hit with our customers!

For those with just a little alcoholic cravings.. indulge in our very-own tiramisu for desserts (recipe from an italian granny)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

new range of pokka drinks

we have extended our drink list to include pokka drinks!
do try this sparkling fuji apple drink... it's one of my favourites!

bottled pokka green tea

great food deals at cafe patio

we have extended our current weekday lunch specials to the weekends too!

so you can enjoy a mushroom soup, a main with a coke from $12.50 onwards! :)
save the most if you were to choose the nibble sandwich set and get to indulge in our delightable focaccia bread and spread of dips..

dont forget to dine with us for breakfast with breakfast sets starting from just $5.50! all sets come with coffee or tea..

sodas at cafe patio

new sodas!
apart from our all time favourites passionfruit soda and blueberry soda, we have new sodas (peach litchi and watermelon) which have been growing in popularity!
they're seasonal so try it today or you might miss it!
water melon soda with real frozen water melon cubes :)

drawings =)

it's children's day! happy children's day to all the kids out there and the kids at heart! :) :)
we're some drawings from two beautiful kids (elizabeth and emma) who came by our cafe

an interpretation of our cafe by elizabeth
her younger sister emma drew this.. she says this drawing is what it is in heaven :)